[review] 123 Profit Betatester Result #shorts #cpamarketing #123profit

123 Profit Betatester Result

123 Profit features and benefit - How is 123 Profit work? Step 1: Pinpoint Offers The first stage is to pinpoint 5 high-converting offers to promote. These offers are from CPA Marketing “networks” such as Max Bounty or Flex Offers, to name just a couple. Offers used for CPA Marketing are not chosen based on niche, they are chosen based on conversion rates and the amount of commission that is paid out per lead. Just to throw a few more ideas out there, offers could be things like…Skin Cream, Credit repair, Insurance, Disability Help, Checking Accounts or perhaps Diet and Weight Loss…and some of these pay out HUNDREDS of dollars per lead. Once the 5 offers are chosen and you get some basic data, you'll complete the first stage and move on to… Step 2: Set Up The Website The next stage is to set up the website - although when we say website, what we really mean is “web page”… because that’s all you really need for each offer. The “action” we want people to take is either… A) Join your email list (where you can sell to them more), or B) Buy something you are promoting as an affiliate You can see how these actions result in commissions for you…and that’s the whole point of this method! This really is the heart of the entire system, and once you have these pages set up, it becomes an automatic commission machine for you. Step 3: Turn On The Traffic There are two options here…. Free traffic, or paid advertising traffic…and it’s possible to run with either, depending on the offer, and your budget.

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