22 Lucrative Part-Time Work From Home Jobs in 2022 - FlexMyFinances.com

If you are looking for part-time work from home jobs to increase your income, then you are in the right place.

This list of lucrative part-time jobs is great for anyone, from stay at home moms, veteran spouses, or college students, looking to make some extra money while working from home.

If you’ve always dreamed about working remotely, now it’s the best time for that, as thousands of companies are currently hiring part-time workers.22 Best Part-Time Work From Home Jobs To Make Extra Money1. Copywriter

Similar to proofreading jobs, every day there are more and more copywriting part-time work from home jobs available because companies continue to grow and look for new ways to reach consumers.

Companies generally need copywriters for creating written content for their website, social media, press releases, etc.

If you have a passion for copywriting you can make up to $20K per year part-time from the comfort of your home.

Find part-time jobs as Copywriter.

You can make up to $200k per year, however, if you decide to freelance.

If you are passionate about writing but don’t have any experience, there is a way. 2. Bookkeeper

If you are an organized person and you like working with numbers and data, bookkeeping is one of the most lucrative part-time jobs from home that has the potential to become a career that brings in 100K per year.

Bookkeepers usually keep and oversee sales and financial records for companies, while compiling weekly and monthly reports about the data they gathered.

Find part-time work from home jobs as Bookkeeper.

Attend a free class to learn how to work from home, earn good money and be your own boss as a Bookkeeper.

Sign up here for a free Bookkeeping class.

While there are plenty of Virtual Assistant part-time jobs out there, you might even consider turning this into consultancy business, as some Virtual Assistants make up to $5.000-$7.000 per month, depending how many clients they work with.

Virtual Assistants usually handle tasks related to marketing, social media, administration, accounting and any other tasks that can be outsourced and handled remotely from home.

Find part-time work from home jobs as Virtual Assistant.

If you’re thinking about starting an online Virtual Assistant business, The Fully Booked Virtual Assistant is a course I highly recommend.4. Amazon Virtual Worker

Becoming a virtual worker for Amazon, while not greatly paid, comes with stability and opportunity to move to another type of position with Amazon.

Given the current situation, particularly in the US, Amazon was among the few companies that kept hiring throughout the pandemic.

Being a Virtual Worker involves customer service, sales, and various web services and if you are looking for work from home part-time jobs, it’s worth checking Amazon Virtual Locations.5. Online Survey Taker

Becoming an online survey taker provides you with a great opportunity to make some extra money from home in your spare time, or even to make it your permanent part-time job.

An online survey taker collaborates with various companies in offering them feedback regarding a product or service.

The great thing is that there are websites specialized in connecting survey takers with companies, so that you don’t waste your time looking for companies to work with.6. Proofreader

Proofreading means checking a copy of written material for grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Since digital marketing is currently booming, there is no shortage of remote opportunities for proofreaders.

Find part-time work from home jobs as Proofreader.

If you have a good eye for catching errors but you don’t have any experience in proofreading, you can attend Caitlin’s free workshop below:

This workshop will teach you all the skills you need if you are thinking of starting a proofreading online business from home.

Read more about how to become a proofreader with no experience here.7. Market Research Respondent

A Market Research Respondent is a person who participates in focus groups and research studies in order to help companies and organizations get more insight into a particular topic or area.

This is a great way to earn some extra income from home as some companies pay up to $140/hour.8. Customer Service Representative

There are plenty of part-time jobs available, with great companies, if you are interested in working from home as a Customer Service Representative.

Find part-time work from home jobs as Customer Service Representative.9. Social Media Coordinator

If you are a millennial, chances are you know your way around social media.

If you are passionate about this, yet you have never worked as a Social Media person before, don’t get discouraged, as there are many companies hiring junior people to help their social media team and this is your opportunity to enter the social media world and grow from there.

Find part-time jobs from home as a Social Media Coordinator.10. Transcriber

Transcribers usually receive video or audio files and need to listen and type down the content.

The job entails attention to detail, proficiency in the language you are working in, and also editing skills in order to make sure that the transcribed content that you are sending back is error-free.

Find work from home jobs as Transcriber.11. Translator

If you know more than one language, you can make pretty good bucks constantly.

There is huge demand for translators worldwide, as companies are trying to tackle more and more markets, and need their website content or social media copy translated to fit their target market.

The best part of this part time job is that you can take as many projects as you can handle in order to reach your desired monthly income from home.

Find remote jobs as Translator.12. Data Entry Clerk

Data entry side hustles are perfect for people with little to no professional experience.

Being a Data Entry Clerk is a great way for students, stay at home moms or veteran spouses to make additional money while working from home.

This job usually requires inputting information from documents into a database and sometimes perform additional administrative tasks.

Find part-time work from home jobs as Data Entry Clerk.13. Editor

While editing requires previous experience and sometimes a degree, it is one of the most lucrative part-time jobs that you can get.

Editors’ job is similar to a proofreaders’ job, as in they need to make sure that a copy has no grammar, punctuation or spelling mistakes, however, besides this, they are the ones who polish and have the last word on how a text should look like before putting out to the public.

Editors work with all sorts of copy, from newspapers and magazine articles, websites content and blogs and even books.

Find part-time work from home jobs as Editor.14. Graphic Designer

If you are talented in this area, you can actually make great money. From social media posts to visuals for all sorts of marketing materials, there is no shortage of part-time work from home jobs for graphic designers.

What most companies usually look for is proficiency in Adobe suite and some previous experience or portfolio to showcase.

Find part-time work from home jobs as Graphic Designer.15. Video Editor

Similar to graphic design, if you have the technical skills to edit videos, you can make a great income from home.

Find part-time jobs as Video Editor.16. Web Developer or WordPress Specialist

Web development and WordPress specialists are in high demand nowadays, particularly after the pandemic.

Companies need now more than ever to have a professional website to showcase their products and services.

If you have a passion for this and the skills, you can supplement your income by creating websites from home in your spare time.

Depending on where you live, you can make up to 10K for one project.

Find part-time work from home jobs as Web Developer and WordPress Specialist.

[convertkit form=1584758]17. Facebook Ads Manager

If you are into social media, you can become a Facebook Ads Manager for your local businesses in your spare time.

A Facebook Ads Manager handles paid advertisements on Facebook.

It can pay well depending on the type of company you are working for and doesn’t require a lot of experience.

Find part-time work from home jobs as Facebook Ads Manager.18. HR Consultant

If you have experience working in HR this can be a very lucrative job and can potentially bring 25K per year, which isn’t bad at all.

If you currently work in HR and still want to pursue this as a part-time job, you need to pay attention to the terms of your current contract in order not to have a conflict of interest.

Find part-time work from home jobs as HR Consultant.19. Recruiter

There are many companies outsourcing independent Recruiters for their recruiting needs.

If you have experience in this area, you can do it as a remote job or potentially turn it into a full-time career and make up to 100K per year.

Find work from home jobs as Recruiter.20. Insurance Salesperson

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