Working from home? Enjoy our TOP 11 funnies to make you smile!
In times of crisis, life seems more serious and stressful, and there's less to smile about. However, sometimes gentle humor often presents welcome comfort. For many, working from home throughout the devastating Covid-19 pandemic presents some great challenges. Being inside for an extended period, juggling domestic tasks, educating children, professional demands of work, being away from family, friends, and colleagues - this is the 'new normal' many of us are getting used to. Also, it's easy to feel isolated and disconnected. Laughter can bring people together Apart from some obvious positive health benefits like - stress relief, blood pressure stabilization, immune system stimulation, mental health improvements from feel-good neurochemicals - laughter can also connect and unite us. Laughter can create a social bond and can elevate our shared experiences. If we laugh at the funny side of life, and share humor with our colleagues and loved ones, this can create a ...